Thursday, September 24, 2009

el nuevo look, the new look


We are making some changes to our blog. Our goal is to make this blog more about our ministry in Cusco, Peru and less personal so-to-say. We have another blog, that will be made available to those who wish to keep up to date with our personal lives.

Our hope is that this blog will serve the purpose of keep everyone who prays for and supports this ministry informed about our plans, goals, challenges, etc. It has also become very necessary for us to maintain this blog in both English and Spanish.

So hope you enjoy it


Estamos haciendo algunos cambios a nuestro blog. Nuestra meta es hacer este blog mas sobre nuestro ministero en Cusco, Peru y menos personal, por decirlo asi. Tenemos otro blog, que estara disponible a todos los que quieran ver sobre nuestra familia.

Nuestra esperanza es que este blog sirva el proposito de informarles a aquellos que apoyan este ministerio de diferentes formas, sobre nuestros planes, metas, y desafios, etc, aca en Cusco. Tambien ha sido muy necesario mantener este blog en Ingles y Espanol.



Cynthia said...

Love the new look! I am excited to hear more about the babies and the ministry! Love you and miss you tons!

patti said...

gracias por escribiendo en espanol tambien! es bueno para mi.