Wednesday, November 05, 2008

October photos


Elian showing her excitement about the prize she won for memorizing a Bible verse!
singing on saturday at the beginning of class
new youth group in san marcos
San Marcos, at the church. Yes, those stairs keep going up
Brothers Dany and Alber... i can't believe how big they are getting. we've known them since we got to Cusco.
Marco trying to look cute and innocent! haha

Edgardo and Isabella in San Marcos

At the Plaza Tupac Amaru (Tupac is the guy on the horse in background - he was a pretty popular warrior during the times of the Incas)
Sheep skins for sale in the plaza...

Walking around the Saturday feria. I love the plant section. I would bring all these plants home if Ricky would let me!!
On Oct 31st, the Day of the Dead, the plaza was full of pan de guagua (baby bread)
Here's the biggest baby bread we've ever seen. You can see the head on the far end.

Lechon... baby pig. Love the presentation of this one, makes me hungry.. Not really!

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